
With over 17 years professional experience of working with rock art, I am your “go-to” person for Rock Art Management, wherever in the world my services might be required. I offer the following:

Research and Analysis

I do research and analysis for rock art related projects, such as specialist reports on rock art, anywhere in the world. Most recently I did a comparative analysis for Uganda’s application to have several rock art sites listed as World Heritage Sites.

I am currently researching and compiling an entry on rock art research methods for the Oxford Research Encyclopaedia: Guide to Methods, Sources and Historiography in African History.

Photography and Documentation

I carry out full photographic documentation of rock art sites using professional grade lenses and camera equipment. I will process the images according to the specific requirements of the task. Digital enhancements and tracings are usually part of the post-processing workflow. Documentation also includes a condition analysis of the rock art site and a written description, illustrated with diagrams.

Photography and documentation are a standard part of Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessments and Phase 2 Mitigation, as well as in the development of Management Plans.

Impact Assessments

In South Africa and many other countries, before a property may be developed an archaeological impact assessment (AIA) must first be carried out to identify any occurrences of an archaeological nature, to assess their significance, and to make recommendations

I can identify areas with rock art and follow the required procedures to assess the significance of the rock art (Phase 1 Archaeological Impact Assessment).

I will also carry out further mitigation of the rock art – photography and documentation – if this is necessary (Phase 2 Mitigation).

In South Africa, I take care of all reporting requirements to the SAHRIS website of the South African Heritage Resources Agency


Management Plans

I draw up Management Plans for rock art sites. A Management Plan is a document that specifies how to manage a rock art or any other kind of archaeological or historical site.

Anyone opening an archaeological site to the public, either as a formal site museum, or simply as a place of interest, must take precautions to ensure the safety of the site and its contents. No site should be opened to the public without a prior professional investigation that includes a conservation or site management plan approved heritage resources authority. In the case of site containing rock art, the plan must include a complete and detailed documentation of the site and the artwork. The purpose of the management plan is conserve the significance of the place by controlling the impact of visitors

From: Guidelines for Basic Management Plan Format for Rock Art and Other Archaeological Sites to be opened to the Public. South African Heritage Resources Agency

Rock Art Rescue

Sometimes rock art needs to be (re)moved. I have advised and carried out several removal processes of both paintings and engravings . I can apply for permits for removal of rock art. I can organise an experienced engineering team to remove rock art.